York Founder Turns 70!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Company founder, Frank York, celebrated his 70th birthday down in Daytona Beach, Florida. His sons, Jeff and Jade, surprised him by flying down to spend the weekend with him. Also joining the group were son-in-law Kevin, his twin, Keith, Frank's oldest grandchild, Dakota, and family friend Chad. Frank's good pal Freddy, arranged to meet the group at the North Turn Bar and Grill on the beach, where they sat outside on the patio awaiting his arrival. When frank arrived, he saw a guy (his son, Jade) videoing him through the window and could not understand why someone would be doing that so he retreated back into the bar. Freddy walked back outside w/ Frank and after looking at the table where the group sat, it took him a minute to realize that they all had came down to surprise him! The biggest of smiles appeared on Frank's face as he, "couldn't be happier that you guys came down, I can't beleive you did this." The weekend was a great time had by all, including a man-feast with lots of local seafood, a long boat ride, Main Street bar-hopping and lots of love and laughter! Happy Birthday, Frank!